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Offshores Can Seize “Yanukovich’s Money” from Ukraine by Court Action

Monday, 15 January 2018 17:47

GPOU cannot start the investigation into the fact that TV Channel Al Jazeera obtained information about confiscated USD 1.5 bln of “Yanukovich’s Money”.

Head of GPOU’s Special Investigations Department stated that offshore companies can seize by court action the confiscated money of Former President of Ukraine Victor Yanukovich, he said to Zavtra, UBR reports quoting Radio Liberty.

“Of course, if there are the firms, which challenge  and will obtain a waiver, and which can be the so-called bona fide purchasers, they can really apply to the European courts and expect that the European Court will listen to them”, the prosecutor emphasized.

He also noted that the General Prosecutor’s Office cannot start the investigation into the fact that TV Channel Al Jazeera obtained information about confiscated USD 1.5 bln of “Yanukovich’s money”.

Gorbatiuk stated that personally he does not know anything about how the court decision about seizure of “Yanukovich’s money” was classified, how many people have access to it and how the information leaked to foreign media.

As is known, previously Al Jazeera published the investigation, according to which the fugitive people’s deputy Alexander Onyshchenko and the businessman and founder of the development company Mos City Group Pavel Fux purchased the fugitive young oligarch Sergei Kurchenko’s company, which owns 160 million dollars of frozen assets of the former president Victor Yanukovich. 

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