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Cabinet of Ministers Approves Strategy of Development of Digital Economy by 2020

Wednesday, 17 January 2018 17:24

The Cabinet of Ministers approves the finalized Strategy of Development of Digital Economy of Ukraine in 2020 at the session on Wednesday, the correspondent of Interfax-Ukraine agency reports.

“Our ambitious purpose is to achieve 5% of GDP by 2021 thanks to the development of digital economy”, Deputy Minister of Economic Development and Trade Michael Titarchuk said during the presentation of the document at the governmental session.

Previously, First Vice Prime Minister and Minister of Economic Development and Trade Stepan Kubov reported that about the third of the rural population in Ukraine does not have access to the broadband Internet, 53% of schools and about 99% of medical institutions do not have Internet connection.

“We determined around 50 indicators of the digital development of Ukraine. By the way, the indicators of development of digital infrastructures, in particular, the maximum broadband Internet coverage, is one of key points of the plan of events.”, M. Titarchuk added.

In its turn, Minister of Foreign Affairs Pavel Klimkin emphasized the necessity of confirmation of the financing by the declared budget and addressed to the Prime Minister with the request to take control of it.

According to Klimkin, not only the economic, but also its public part, is the important point of the strategy.

“We got used to electronic petitions, but there is the point about electronic elections. The fact that we approve this document today, evidences about our political responsibility in that we support electronic elections”, Minister of Foreign Affairs noted while discussing the document.

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