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Director of Individual Deposit Insurance Fund: IMF is not Always Right

Tuesday, 20 February 2018 17:30

Konstantin Vorushilin believes that IMF representatives do not always understand the real situation in the country and the economy when implementing reforms.

The director of the Individual Deposit Insurance Fund said in the interview with Economic Truth.
Vorushilin is a member of the Financial Stability Board.

He agrees that IMF is an important lender for Ukraine, but questions its key role in implementing reforms.
In his opinion, the creation of the Anti-Corruption Court must be approached with caution.

“The biggest problem for officials is to make decisions; we lose the economy and the country because we do not make decisions quickly. The officials were intimidated to such a state that they do not make decisions”, Voroshilin said.

“We are going to the other extreme, but there must be a middle ground." There should be the control, but there must be legal protection of professional activity. There is no such thing in the state, so we will go around in circles”, IDIF’s Director said.

"IMF does not understand all things at all. When I made the fund, I quarreled with IMF mission, I explained the elementary thing to three missions. I got up and just left," he said.

Voroshilin believes that IMF should be persuaded by arguments.

"Is it always right for IMF? Not always, with IMF you need to talk, you need to prove it, it must understand the situation in the country, in the economy," Voroshilin said.

"The money they give is not so much, but in order for the country not to fall into default and to make return for creditors, their support is needed, but IMF loans are not a panacea for all illnesses", he said.

"Panacea is the export, the strong economy, the opportunity to receive investment money, a currency without interest, we are interested in helping IMF to stabilize the economy and moving on," the IDIF director concluded.

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