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Largest German Media Corporation Sells Its Business in Ukraine

Monday, 12 March 2018 17:49

Bauer Media Group owned the publishing house in our country.

The world's largest German media corporation Bauer Media Group, which owns the publishing house in our country, decided to leave Ukrainian market. At the same time, the company did not plan to curtail its activities completely and eventually decided to sell its business, writes UBR.

After long negotiations, all the companies of Bauer Media group in Ukraine passed into the ownership of one of the top managers, who was supported by national investors. The new company is now called Media Light Group and its main business directions are not only the increase in the share of the current part of the market, but also the development of new markets, for example, e-commerce.

"The primary goals, set before the management of the operating companies of Media Light Group, are the expansion in several areas, such as print, advertising, the Internet, as well as the introduction of new, and most importantly, innovative types and directions of activities", according to Sostav.ua.

In Ukraine, the company published several monthly and weekly journals in such segments as lifestyle, esotery and stories. The most famous are the women's magazines Joy and Women's stories. And also the publications "Secrets of the Stars", "My Destiny", "Oracle".

Note. Bauer Media Group was founded in Hamburg in 1875 by Johan Bauer and is one of the oldest publishing houses in Europe. Under the management of five generations of the Bauer family (today the company is headed by Yvonne Bauer), the publishing group grew from a small printing house to the international publishing empire, which includes over 600 magazines, 400 digital projects and 100 radio and television stations.

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