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Large Privatization: Properties, Which Will be Privatized As Per Old Rules, Specified

Friday, 13 April 2018 17:59

The properties of large privatization include four companies, the privatization of which will be held in accordance with the old legislation on privatization. It is Odessa Portside Plant, Sumykhimprom, Tsentenergo and Zaporizhzhia Production Aluminum Smelter (ZPAS), UNN reported in the State Property Fund in reply to the inquiry.

“The list of properties of large privatization at the formation stage will be approved by the Cabinet of Ministers. The large properties include 4 companies, the privatization of which will be held in accordance with the old legislation on privatization. It is OPZ, Sumykhimprom, Tsentrenergo, and ZPAS”, SPFU told.

As the State Property Fund added, it is envisaged by the transitional provisions of the Law of Ukraine on privatization of the state and communal property, which came into force on March 7, 2018.

It should be reminded that due to coming into force of the new law on privatization, the State Property Fund updated the lists of properties for privatization in 2018, excluding some properties.

It was previously reported that the Ministry of Economic Development supports the draft law № 8225, which suggests cancelling some restrictions for state companies on disposal of real estate and encourages the Verkhovna Rada to adopt them as soon as possible.

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Чем бы она не являлась, тема требует изучения и законодательного регулирования - 20.8%
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29 августа вступила в силу законодательная норма о начислении штрафов-компенсаций за несвоевременную выплату алиментов (от 20 до 50%). Компенсации будут перечисляться детям

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