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Kyivstar’s CEO about 4G: President Came and Stopped Auction. It is Illegal

Wednesday, 18 April 2018 16:31

CEO of Kyivstar Petro Chernyshov called the appearance of the President of Ukraine at the auction on 4G frequencies a violation, he told during interview with the joint project of EP and The Interviewer.

According to Chernyshov, the fact that the President was present at the auction is very terrible.

“The auction is the competitive event with certain rules. If they are violated, then, hypothetically speaking, the party, which lost, may appeal”, Chernyshov notes.

He considers that the presence of the president is the violation as “he did not just came, but he stopped the auction”.

“When he came in, the auctions were held for the second lot, where Vodafone won. And then he came, we made a bid – the auction ended, and he went to deliver speech on the stage. And for the third lot the auction did not even start, the auction actually ended”, Chernyshov noted.

“I think that in some Western developed country, nobody would ever do anything like this. The state established rules of the auction, and it ended it, how come? ”, he added.

According to Kyivstar’s President, the rules specify that the auction can be interrupted upon the request of operators, so they can consult, call the headquarters, if some emergency happened, “God forbid, someone fainted”.

“The rules do not specify that the President can come and terminate auction. I.e. it was done totally against the rules”, Chernyshov summarized.

Reportedly, during auctions, at 4G frequency within 1800 MHz the president was present.

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