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National Bank Exposes Fraud Scheme for 25 Million

Monday, 14 May 2018 14:24

The National Bank appealed against illegal actions of public registrars that allowed halting the fraud scheme for about UAH 25 million, the press-service of the National Bank reports.

Reportedly, the illegal actions of public registrars were cancelled by timely and responsible decisions of the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine on the appeals of the National Bank.

It refers to the fact that the Ministry should halt fraud scheme, which led to illegal appropriation of the building in the center of Poltava by third parties with the collateral value of more than UAH 24.8 mln, belonging to VAB Bank OJSC as a private property.

In June 2014, the bank transferred the building to the mortgage to the National Bank, about what the respective entry was made into the register of rights.

However, on March 27, 2018, the National Bank was reported that the said building was illegally removed from encumbrance and registered for the private firm.

Meanwhile, the petition for conducting registration actions was allegedly submitted by VAB Bank PJSC. However, the authorized person of the Individuals’ Deposit Insurance Fund (IDIF) informed that it did not submit any petitions about making entries to the register.

It should be noted that the termination of the mortgage and encumbrance by the ban of alienation of immovable property with further alienation without the consent of the National Bank as the mortgage holder, the direct violation of his rights and legal interests, stipulated by Part 3 of Article 9 of the Law of Ukraine On Mortgage.

That is why the National Bank challenged in the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine approved by public registrars decision on the building, in particular it claimed to restore entries about mortgage and encumbrance over the assets of VAB Bank OJSC by the mortgage and ban of alienation.

On Friday, May 4, the Commission for Handling Complaints in State Registration of the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine considered provided complaints of the National Bank and fully satisfied them.

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