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Ukrainian Bank Files Multi-Million Lawsuit against NBU

Thursday, 17 May 2018 16:12

Bank Concord filed lawsuit against the National Bank of Ukraine with a claim to cancel the fine, amounting to UAH 1.55 mln.

Bank Concord filed lawsuit against the National Bank of Ukraine with a claim to cancel the fine for violating the financial monitoring rules for UAH 1.55 mln, which was imposed on March 5, Finclub reported on Thursday, May 17.

The respective lawsuit was registered by Dnipropetrovsk District Administrative Court on May 14.

Concord also claims to collect paid UAH 1.55 mln from the National Bank.

It is noted that it is not the first lawsuit of the bank to NBU regarding cancellation of the fine. Thus, on May 3, the financial institution already filed lawsuit against NBU to the same court, while on May 8, Dnipropetrovsk District Administrative Court submitted the case to Kyiv District Administrative Court according to the rules of jurisdiction.

Previously, mass media reported that the International Investment Bank, the major shareholder of which is President Petro Poroshenko, attempted through court to achieve cancellation of the fine, imposed by the National Bank.

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