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U.S. Approves Allocation of USD 250 Mln for Ukraine’s Defense

Friday, 25 May 2018 17:36

The House of Representatives voted in favor of the allocation of USD 250 mln for Ukraine’s defense within U.S. Defense Spending Bill for 2019.

As the Embassy of Ukraine in the USA reports in Facebook, the bill was passed on Thursday.

The amount of spending is 100 mln dollars higher than the Committee suggested providing in the current budget year.

It is noted that the document includes the main provisions of the Ukraine Cybersecurity Cooperation Act.

“It, in particular, provides for assisting Ukraine in strengthening personal capabilities on cybersecurity, ensuring security of computer networks of government authorities, reducing dependence on Russian information and communication technologies, promoting participation in information exchange programs”, the embassy emphasized.

The draft law also proves U.S. commitment to United States-Ukraine Charter on Strategic Partnership, Budapest Memorandum on Security Assurances, support for cooperation of Ukraine with NATO.

Before submitting for signing to the President, the U.S. Defense Spending Bill for 2019 should be harmonized with the version, which will be approved by the Senate and repeatedly voted for by both Houses of the Congress.

Reportedly, U.S. Defense Spending for 2018 provides for allocation of 350 mln dollars for assisting Ukraine in security and countering Russian aggression.

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Чем бы она не являлась, тема требует изучения и законодательного регулирования - 20.8%
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