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Ministry of Agricultural Policy Comments on ECHR Decision on Moratorium of Land Sales

Thursday, 31 May 2018 17:12

The decision of the European Court of Human Rights on the fact that the moratorium on agricultural land sales violates the right of ownership to the land, will become the important argument in discussion on introducing a land market, First Deputy Minister of Agrarian Policy and Food Maksim Martyniuk informed during the online conference in Facebook, UNN reports.

“ECHR decision has not only the practical influence on the legislation of Ukraine, as much as it will become an important argument in all discussions about the land market”, he wrote.

Meanwhile, M. Martyniuk noted that their department developed a possible model of the land market functioning, which is aimed at creating conditions so that small farmers purchase the land.

“The respective draft law will be proposed in the parliament, when we are confident that VRU and the society are ready to approve the respective decision. The failure of this draft law will do harm to the issue of lifting the moratorium, and, as the result – agricultural industry. That is why we have no room for error”, he summarized.

It should be reminded that the European Court of Human Rights approved the decision on Zelenchuk and Tsitsiura v.Ukraine, according to which it was recognized the absolute ban on purchase and sale of agricultural lands in Ukraine violates the European Convention on Human Rights.

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