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Council for Trade and Sustainable Development Will Appear in Ukraine

Wednesday, 13 June 2018 16:04

Today, the Cabinet of Ministers will create the Council for Trade and Sustainable Development. The government plans to approve the respective draft resolution at today's meeting, UNN reports quoting the meeting agenda.

In particular, the Cabinet of Ministers plans to approve the resolution on formation of the Council for Trade and Sustainable Development.

The ministers will take other decision for conducting privatization, namely, they will cancel the resolution on the amount of penalty for full or partial non-payment of funds by buyers for privatization objects".

In addition, today, the government plans to launch implementation of a pilot project on the registration and operation of the newest models of software and/or software and hardware complexes, intended for registration of settlement transactions, and will also introduce changes into the procedure of technical maintenance and repair of payment settlement recorders.

A number of government decisions will concern the social protection of the population. In particular, the Cabinet of Ministers should approve by its order the distribution of subvention from the state budget to local budgets for payment of money compensation for receiving appropriate housing by the families of combatants, who died on the territory of other states, for the persons with the disability of I-II group out of combatants, who died on the territories of other states, who need better housing conditions, as of 2018. And also to allocate funds for providing a one-time monetary aid to the family member of the person, who died during participation in ATO, and to the persons, who became disabled due to participation in the said operation.

Today, the government will develop the plan of actions for 2018 on the implementation of the National Plan of Reduction of Emissions from Large Combustion Plants.

The Cabinet of Ministers will also coordinate disposal of capital assets of Ukrgazvydobuvannya PJSC and transfer state properties to Ukrainian Rail Road PJSC.

Two more decisions will concern the celebration of significant dates. In particular, the government will approve the plan of measures on celebration of the 22nd anniversary of the Constitution of Ukraine and form the Organizing Committee for the preparation and celebration of the 27th anniversary of Ukraine's independence.

It should be reminded that the last week, the government approved the plan of actions for implementation of the Energy Strategy of Ukraine till 2035.

Что для Вас криптовалюта?

Виртуальные «фантики», крупная махинация вроде финансовой пирамиды - 42.3%
Новая эволюционная ступень финансовых отношений - 25.9%
Чем бы она не являлась, тема требует изучения и законодательного регулирования - 20.8%
Даже знать не хочу что это. Я – евро-долларовый консерватор - 6.2%
Очень выгодные вложения, я уже приобретаю и буду приобретать биткоины - 4.3%

29 августа вступила в силу законодательная норма о начислении штрафов-компенсаций за несвоевременную выплату алиментов (от 20 до 50%). Компенсации будут перечисляться детям

В нашей стране стоит сто раз продумать, прежде чем рожать детей - 33.3%
Лучше бы государство изобретало механизмы финансовой поддержки института семьи в условиях кризиса - 29.3%
Это не уменьшит числа разводов, но заставит отцов подходить к вопросу ответственно - 26.7%
Эта норма важна для сохранения «института отцовства». Поддерживаю - 9.3%