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Ukraine Loses 60% of Foreign Investment Flow within Three Years

Friday, 13 July 2018 16:38

Within 2013-2016, the volume of direct foreign investments in Ukraine decreased by 60% - from $67.3 to $27.5 bln, while it is caused by hryvnia devaluation and company’s losses, which mainly represent the financial sector.

It is said in the study, conducted as per IMF methods by the German Consulting Group in Ukraine and the Institute of Economic Researches and Political Consultations, UNIAN  reports.

“In 2016, the volume of foreign investments in Ukraine was $27.5 bln. This amount seems to be large, but, if we make a comparative analysis, it will become small, because this volume is $650 per citizen of Ukraine. In Belarus, for example, almost $2 ths direct foreign investments account for one citizen”, the expert of the German Advisory Group under the Government of Ukraine David Zaha noted.

In addition, the authors of the study indicate that the large financial centers are the place of origin of the significant part of direct foreign investment in Ukraine. This may indicate that in fact, such foreign investments have “Ukrainian” origin.

“For example, 23% from the Netherlands, 15% - from Cyprus, and then other countries go. It is virtually difficult to say from the data, where the first source of origin of investments is. We can just say that they came from a certain place. We have enough data to say that the certain number of these investments are so-called “circular investments”, i.e. Ukrainian money, which entered Ukraine through financial centers”, Zaha said.

According to him, in the near future, the study participants will provide their estimates on direct foreign investments in Ukraine as per results of 2017, which, according to the preliminary data, exceed the 2016 indicator.

It should be reminded that according to the State Statistics, the receipts from direct foreign investments in Ukraine’s economy (authorized capital of non-residents) was almost $1.9 bln for 2017.

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