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Naftogaz Tells What Can Stop Nord Stream-2

Wednesday, 01 August 2018 17:05

Commercial Director of Naftogaz Yuri Vitrenko stated that the construction of Nord Stream-2 gas pipeline, which started in July in Germany, may be stopped by U.S. sanctions or Denmark’s position, Vitrenko told during interview with Deutsche Welle.

According to him, Denmark can postpone and even complicate the situation with Nord Stream-2.

“They have the law, permitting them to be guided by the national security considerations when issuing the respective decision (provision of permission for construction of the gas pipeline), however, this decision is still absent”, Vitrenko noted.  

He emphasized that that U.S. sanctions are the important factor. According to Vitrenko, U.S. has the understanding that Nord Stream-2 is the politically motivated project, targeted at corrupt European politicians and the split of European countries”.

“Then it is just a matter of when it will be translated to some actions. Plus we also see the initiative of U.S. Congress, targeted at imposing automatic sanctions against Nord Stream-2. We also have hope for it”, Vitrenko noted.

In late July, Nord Stream 2 started enclosing the first pipes within the building of the debatable Nord-Stream-2 gas pipeline, through which the natural gas will be directly supplied from Russia to Germany.

The pipe laying works will start in August. The construction of the debatable Nord-Stream-2 gas pipeline, sharply opposed by Ukraine, the Baltic countries, Poland and U.S., is planned to finish by late 2019.

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