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Poroshenko’s Executive Office Prepares Plans of Reforms for Cabinet of Ministers

Wednesday, 20 April 2016 17:03

The chief of the Executive Office has presented the package of proposals regarding the work of new government, Korrespondent.net reports.

The Executive Office expects that this will help to speed up the decision-making process.

The President Petro Poroshenko’s Executive Office jointly with the National Reforms Council has developed proposals on reforming the Cabinet of Ministers, Chair of the Executive Office Boris Lozhkin said about it in his Facebook.

According to him, these proposals are divided into four blocks, among which, in particular, the proposals for the plan of immediate actions of the Cabinet of Ministers within first 100 working days.

According to him, in particular, it is proposed to extend authorities of ministries in dismissal and appointment of their deputies.

“We took into account the experience of the previous government and consider it as an important step, which will speed up the process of adoption of key decisions by ministries without unnecessary bureaucracy and outside influence”, Lozhkin wrote.

Meanwhile, he emphasized that until the end of May the new government should pass 24 important draft laws, “because the fact, whether Ukraine will obtain $7 billion from the IMF, EUR 705 mln from EU and additional $1 bln against the guarantees of US government, depends on this.”

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