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Cabinet of Ministers to Approve Projects of Regional Development Today

Wednesday, 11 May 2016 16:32

The government will approve the list of investment projects of regional development, UBR reports.

The government will approve the list of investment projects of regional development, which will allow improving the social and economic situation at the local level, Prime Minister of Ukraine Volodymyr Groisman said, opening the session of government on May 11.

According to Volodymyr Groisman, the government should approve the list of investment projects and projects of regional development for financing by the State Fund of Regional Development, which will allow starting to solve major problems at the local level.

The Prime Minister also added that, in particular, among the items of the agenda of the government’s session there is the approval of the list of investment programs and projects of regional development, which can be realized at the expense of funds of the State Fund of Regional Development in 2016.

“These are the real resources, which are transferred to local level as the state regional policy for solving many major problems. In each region and each city these problems are different. But in the end there is an absolutely transparent mechanism of financing these projects”, Volodymyr Groisman said.

The Prime Minister provided the example of Rivne region, for regional development of which UAH 101 mln of public investments are envisaged, including the financing of new boiler houses, central district hospital, the completion of construction of the school, and for the kindergarten.

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