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Gazprom Reports Record Profit for Five Years

Wednesday, 31 October 2018 16:23

In January-September, the company earned 395 bln rubles, which is the best indicator since 2013.

For nine months 2018, Russian Gazprom obtained a net profit, amounting to 395 bln rubles, Kommersant reports quoting the company’s report.

Reportedly, it is the maximum result for the last five years (in 2013, the profit was 466.6 bln rubles). The losses for the period between January and September was 9.2 bln rubles.

The increase in the value of company’s assets for the quarter is equal to the net profit, the edition states.

According to SPARK-Interfax, the value of Gazprom assets increased from 10.418 trln rubles in June to 10.529 trln rubles in September. Respectively, the net profit in Q3 was 111 bln rubles. Thus, for nine months, the company earned 395 bln rubles.

In the 1st half year of 2018, as per IFRS, Gazprom’s net profit increased 1.7 times, up to 630.8 bln rubles. This indicator for 249.4 bln rubles is higher than the net profit, which the company obtained for the same period of the last year.

It was previously reported that Gazprom decreased from the 1st to 17th place in S&P Global Platts ranking.

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