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Kyiv: UNSC Supports Ukraine

Friday, 12 August 2016 17:53

The first results of the closed meeting on the situation in the Crimea have been promulgated.

UN Permanent Representative of Ukraine Volodymyr Elchenko stated that the members of UN Security Council expressed support to Ukraine after Russia‘s accusations of preparation of terrorist attacks in the Crimea.

“We thank UN Security Council members, who confirmed without doubt and question their strong position regarding the respect of territorial integrity and independence of Ukraine, including the Crimea. Of course, not only one country expressed such position”, Elchenko said at the briefing after an emergency meeting of UN Security Council on the Crimea on Thursday.

He also told that he put question to his Russian colleague: “If their accusations of events in regard to the so-called attempts of terrorist acts of Ukraine against the Crimea, if they really happened, where are the evidence, pictures, video footages? There are just words. ”

Source: Correspondent.

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