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Portfolio of Orders of Rosoboronexport in India Exceeds Results of 2015

Tuesday, 14 February 2017 15:51

The portfolio of orders of Rosoboronexport in India as per the results of 2016 increased versus 2015 and continues to grow this year, RIA News reports, quoting Deputy General Director Sergei Goreslavsky.

The international airspace exhibition AeroIndia-2017 will take place from 14 to 18 February on the air base of Indian Air Forces in Bangalore. During the air show, the Russian companies will present more than 400 samples of military equipment.

“With a great satisfaction, on the 70th anniversary of establishing Russian-Indian diplomatic relationships, I would like to note that the military and technical cooperation between our countries is at the high level. As per results of 2016, the portfolio of orders of Rosoboronexport in India exceeds the results of 2015. Moreover, we expect for further growth of the portfolio of orders this year”, Goreslavsky said, according to the company’s press office.

He added that Rosoboronexport draws special attention to the international airspace exhibition AeroIndia-2017, because specifically, the aviation technologies are dominating in company’s deliveries to the Asian Pacific region – in last years, its share made up more than 60%.

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