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Matvienko Suggests Not Drawing Hasty Conclusions on Vectors of US Foreign Policy

Friday, 28 April 2017 16:13

It is still early to make pivotal conclusions on the vectors of the foreign policy of US New President Donald Trump, his team is not formed yet, Speaker of the Federation Council Valentina Matvienko said.

“100 days is not a sufficient term in order we could talk about the formulated foreign policy of the new administration of President Trump – towards Russia as well as in general. As far as I am informed, his team has not been formed yet. That is why I think that the new administration needs time to formulate its priorities, strategic vectors of the external policy”, she said in the interview to RIA News.

The Speaker assessed the current level of US-Russian relationships as “the lowest one for the whole period of the newest history”. “The worst in the history”, Matvienko thinks.

She noted that in the meantime, Russia “perceives signals”, “hears”, that US administration also understands the necessity of allocation of priority issues, where the USA and Russia are close.

“The first visit of US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, his negotiations with RF Minister of Foreign Affairs Sergei Lavrov, the meeting with President of Russia Vladimir Putin showed that the USA do not think over it. However, it is still early to speak about something concrete”, Matvienko emphasized.

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