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U.S. Companies Have No Intention to Leave Russia

Tuesday, 23 May 2017 17:10

U.S. companies regularly confirm for the Russian side that they are not going to leave RF, Minister Counsellor of the RF Embassy in U.S. Denis Gonchar said in the interview to RIA News.

He noted that the volume of bilateral trade and economic cooperation between Moscow and Washington was not high, and now it decreased even more. Thus, as per the results of the last year, the U.S.-Russian trade, according to him, amounted to USD 20.3 billion – it is less than 0.5% of the U.S. foreign trade turnover.

Moscow sees “a significant fault of the previous administration of Barack Obama with his focus on restraining relationships, restricting ties and imposing us with sanctions”.

However, in any case, as Gonchar told, “U.S. companies regularly confirm for us that they are not going to leave Russia”. “They did not suspend their activities, it is just not being covered in the media”, the Russian diplomat explained.

Thus, Gonchar reminded that Goldman Sachs and JP Morgan Chase previously participated in the initial public offering of “Detskyi Mir” (Children’s World).

“If we take the real sector, then during the previous year, about ten projects were launched”, the Minister Counsellor noted.  

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