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U.S. Supreme Court Reinstates Trump’s Immigration Order

Tuesday, 05 December 2017 17:51

The court supported the initiative of U.S. President on the entry ban for the citizens of Iran, Lebanon, Syria, Yemen, Somali and Chad.

On December 4, U.S. Supreme Court approved the provisions of the immigration order of Donald Trump, according to which the country entry ban is introduced for the citizens of six countries with mainly Muslim population, Correspondent.net reports quoting Reuters.

Previously, the ban was challenged by the state authorities of Hawaii and American Civil Liberties Union as discriminatory against the Muslims.

As the result, the court of lower instances ruled to apply the ban to the people, who do not have relatives in the U.S. and do not have ties with U.S. organizations. However, the Supreme Court cancelled these restrictions.

It should be reminded that the first version of the immigration order was published in January 2017; however, the Trump’s administration had to deny it due to the blocking from the judges of some states. As the result, the White House rewrote the document several times.

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