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Lavrov Complains about U.S. Interference with Russia’s Elections

Friday, 15 December 2017 17:41

Lavrov told about interference with the elections. U.S. diplomats participate in the meetings of opposition parties, Minister of Foreign Affairs states.

Western countries, including the U.S., constantly interfere with Russian elections, Minister of Foreign Affairs Sergei Lavrov stated, Correspondent.net reported quoting RIA News.

“They are constantly interfering with our elections; the President repeatedly demonstrated concrete examples. And the U.S. Embassy does it, including through participation of their diplomats in the meetings of opposition parties, including non-systemic”, Lavrov said.

At the same time, according to him, the Russians, but some foreign partners, will decide the outcome of elections.

It should be decided that on January 6, U.S. intelligence published the report, in which it accused Russia of the hacker attacks, aimed at interference with U.S. President elections in 2016.

U.S. considers that Russian hackers stole electronic letters of democrats and published them in the Internet as well as attempted to hack into the vote counting system. Russia denies all such accusations.

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