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Russia and Kuwait Will Create Working Group for Cooperation in Energy

Friday, 26 January 2018 17:03

Russia and Kuwait will create the working group for activation of cooperation in the energy sphere, including the liquefied natural gas supplies from RF, Minister of Oil of Kuwait Bakheet Al-Rashidi said to RIA News, RIA News reports.

“We are open to expanding cooperation with Russian companies, and we agreed on creating the working group for consultations and developing recommendations for us within a wider Russian-Kuwait Committee on the joint cooperation”, al-Rashidi said.

On January 21, Minister of Energy of RF Alexander Novak informed that he had meeting with Minister of Oil of Kuwait Bakheet Al-Rashidi, during which the parties, in particular, discussed the liquefied natural gas (LNG) deliveries to the Arab state as well as the question of interaction in peaceful atom and OPEC+ agreement.

The Minister reminded that last year, Gazprom delivered five lots of LNG from its portfolio to Kuwait, noting that “Kuwaiti partners are ready to expend gas consumption for electricity generation”, that is why currently, the possible increase of the volume of deliveries  is discussed. 

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