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U.S. Companies Plan to Expand Their Business in Russia, Huntsman Claims

Tuesday, 27 February 2018 16:27

U.S. companies work in Russia in spite of the imposed sanctions, and all of them have their plans in expanding their business, U.S. ambassador John Huntsman told at the meeting with students and teachers of Kazan educational establishments, RIA News reports.

“The sanctions have the events at the root, which happened one and half year ago, which took shape in the law, approved in August 2017. And we still feel the effects of that. Nevertheless, many U.S. companies continue to work in Russia… I had a dinner with the representatives of U.S. companies, and they have their plans on expanding and continuing their work here”, Hunstman said in Kazan.  

He also added that between Russia and U.S., there are many regions, in which the cooperation continues. “The investments continue; the exchange programs continue, the contacts continue between simple people. For U.S., the relationships with the Russian Federation are very important”, he said.

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Чем бы она не являлась, тема требует изучения и законодательного регулирования - 20.8%
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