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Poland Institutes Proceedings Because of Realization of Nord Stream-2

Thursday, 10 May 2018 16:57

Poland’s Antimonopoly regulator UOKiK instituted case against Gazprom and five foreign companies (Engie, Uniper, OMV, Shell, Winstershall), responsible for financing Nord Stream-2.

According to the official website of the agency, in 2016, the Polish official analyzed the petition for creating the joint company by these six companies for construction of Nord-Stream-2 and decided that it may lead to limiting the competition.

UOKiK suspects that the companies, in spite of the ban from Poland, jointly realize the project, financing Nord Stream-2.

The antimonopoly regulator can impose fine on Gazprom, Engie, Uniper OMV, Shell, Wintershall for 10% from the annual profit or claim the sale of the part of assets of joint venture, the sale of controlling shares or dissolution of the joint venture.

UOKiK concluded that Gazprom dominates on the Polish gas market, while the new project can strengthen its negotiating position with Polish clients.

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