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IBI-Rating reaffirms credit rating of PrJSC BANK ALPARI at uaBBB- with "stable" outlook

Tuesday, 17 September 2013 12:28

Rating agency announced Alpari Bank’s credit rating of uaBBB-, "stable"

The awarded rating of PrJSC ALPARI BANK is based on the Bank’s high capitalization and liquidity ratios. However, it should be noted that to date Bank's own regional network and card business are in their early stages of development, which, subject to further increased presence of large systemic banks in the financial market, may hinder achieving certain strategic objectives of the Bank.

Credit rating may be facilitated by: sustained high KPIs over a longer period, including successful management of liquidity risk and asset quality in the negative phase of the economic cycle, as well as subsequent implementation of the Bank’s key strategies. Adverse effect on the credit rating may come from the following: lower solvency (liquidity) of the Bank, increased credit risk due to deteriorating asset quality, reduced performance indicators, as well as deterioration in the financial markets and the economy in general.

Analytical study of creditworthiness used data from PrJSC ALPARI BANK, including: annual financial statements October-December 2012 and the first half of 2013, 2plan indicators for the II half 2013, other necessary internal information and information from publicly available sources that the agency considers reliable.

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