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Ukrgazdobycha will enter the IPO

Thursday, 03 April 2014 17:05

Entering the IPO market is planned by 2016

In 2016 the open joint stock company Ukrgazdobycha is going to trade its shares in the open IPO’s market, Deputy Chair of the Board of OJSC Ukrgazdobycha Vadim Shlenchak said, according to the press-office of the ministerial department. 

Mr. Shlenchak added that this is one of the top priority tasks of the company within the medium-term plan of development and reanimation for 2014-2016.

«Ukrgazdobycha is planning to raise funds for construction, exploring and upgrading of its enterprises amounting to around 15 bln hryvnias. To do it, the company will apply a single mechanism of fundraising – will place its shares for open trading in the international capital markets», - Vadim Shlenchak added.

The management thinks the today’s financial position of the company is «hardship». According to the estimates for 2011-2013, OJSC Ukrgazdobycha received 13,5 bln hryvnias of profit less.

For now, the outstanding wage arrears of OJSC Ukrgazdobycha make up 240 bln hryvnias, tax arrears - 670 bln hryvnias, pay dues to the bank creditors amount to3,1 bln hryvnias, including 1,2 bln hryvnias to be paid by the end of April 2014.

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