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The Prosecutor General’s Office of Ukraine is intending to check the diplomas issued to the prosecutors

Wednesday, 09 April 2014 17:03

Violations have been revealed

The Prosecutor General’s of Ukraine revealed the facts when persons who received legal education having graduated from higher educational institutions in other countries - former Soviet republics, and those who were given the diplomas of a non-state standard that make the experts question their legitimacy, were appointed as prosecutors and investigators. This is reported in the statement made public by PGO.

With the view of embedding in Ukraine the provisions of the Convention on the Recognition of Higher Education Qualifications in the European Region, the procedure for recognition (nostrification) of degrees granted by a higher educational institution of other country through matching academic, professional rights and education qualifications stated in the certificates of education issued in another countries with those specified by the national education standards of Ukraine. 

The nostrification is carried out by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine in compliance with Directive of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of Ukraine dd. May 28, 2012, titled “a few issues concerning recognition and correspondence of documents certifying education and issued in other countries with those given in Ukraine”.

In connection with the said above, Internal Security Department at the Prosecutor General’s Office initiated making checks to reveal the facts of appointing to the positions of prosecutors and investigators the persons who were issued the certificates of higher legal education in other countries, including non-state standard diplomas of questionable legitimacy, and did not undergo the procedure for nostrification.

The Prosecutor General’s Office demands that the chiefs of all regional prosecutor’s offices and the National Prosecution Academy of Ukraine: if there are grounds for raising a question of incompliance of the documents certifying higher education, which were issued to those prosecutors and investigators, at all levels, who are holding the office now, with the requirements set out in the current legislation of Ukraine, to undertake duly measures. From now on, before appointing prosecutors and investigators, the compliance of the diplomas in higher legal education submitted should be thoroughly checked.

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