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Demand for medical staff has grown by 40% in Ukraine

Monday, 16 June 2014 17:40

A number of vacancies are increasing

A number of medical job opportunities have increased by 35-40% since the beginning of the year, citing the Ukrainian job recruitment portals - rabota.ua, Ankor, work.ua and HeadНunter, Vesti (Вести) reports.

According to the Ukrainian Medical Association, the most sought-after medical specialists are those skilful in one field. «Most clinics are seeking now for surgeons and ophthalmologists. In recent half a year these medical services in Ukraine have reported to be much demanded. This is the reason why the medical health-care institutions are in need for neurologists», — Head of UMA Marketing Evgeny Pechynsky noted.

His colleagues from the Ukrainian General Practitioners Association added that vacancies fastest growing jobs are hepatologists, allergists, podiatrists and pharmacologists.

Ekaterina Vlasova, Head of Medicine & Pharmacy Consulting Group at the staff recruitment agency Anchor in Ukraine, told that job searches for medical representatives, product managers, registration specialists, medical advisors, etc. increased, too.  According to the analysts’ opinion, a number of staff vacancies posted by employees a month soar around 50 as compared with 20-30 before.

The forecast from the professional associations says job opportunities for dentists, obstetricians, dermatovenerologists, therapists, roentgenologists, medical nurses, and pharmacists will grow on the verge of autumn. Despite general tendency for staff redundancy, cutting salaries and every possible optimization, clinics are being expanded.  «Probably there will be rise by 300-500 hryvnias in salary of junior medical staff and pharmacists employed by private clinics, while highly skilled specialists can receive 500-1 000 hryvnias more», — according to the General Practitioners Association.

By the beginning of autumn job searches will intensify, too. «Usually CVs sent in autumn surge up by 20-30%, but we expect that after slackening a number of job seekers will grow by 5-10% this year», — told the HeadHunter Ukraine’s specialists.

Что для Вас криптовалюта?

Виртуальные «фантики», крупная махинация вроде финансовой пирамиды - 42.3%
Новая эволюционная ступень финансовых отношений - 25.9%
Чем бы она не являлась, тема требует изучения и законодательного регулирования - 20.8%
Даже знать не хочу что это. Я – евро-долларовый консерватор - 6.2%
Очень выгодные вложения, я уже приобретаю и буду приобретать биткоины - 4.3%

29 августа вступила в силу законодательная норма о начислении штрафов-компенсаций за несвоевременную выплату алиментов (от 20 до 50%). Компенсации будут перечисляться детям

В нашей стране стоит сто раз продумать, прежде чем рожать детей - 33.3%
Лучше бы государство изобретало механизмы финансовой поддержки института семьи в условиях кризиса - 29.3%
Это не уменьшит числа разводов, но заставит отцов подходить к вопросу ответственно - 26.7%
Эта норма важна для сохранения «института отцовства». Поддерживаю - 9.3%