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Ukraine Initiates Case against Eurodeputy

Tuesday, 09 February 2016 17:35


The Public Prosecutor’s Office of Ukraine has started investigation against the Polish eurodeputy Janusz Korwin-Mikke, who visited the annexed AR Crimea, arriving to the peninsula from Russia in December 2015, Polish Radio reports.


According to information of the edition, the politician is being accused of illegal crossing of Ukrainian state border as well as infliction of deliberate harm to interests of Ukrainian state, because Korwin-Mikke recognized the lawfulness of annexation of the peninsula by the fact of his visit of the Crimea from the territory of Russia. 

Korwin-Mikke stated that Poland should recognize the annexation of the Crimea by Russia.

As the edition notes, Janusz Korwin-Mikke is well- known ultra-right in Poland, who embraces ideology of extreme economic liberalism, is in favor of dismantling of the European Union. During the elections to the European Parliament in 2014 his party obtained about 7% of votes of the Polish.

It should be reminded that in Poland the eurodeputy from the ruling party “Civil Platform”, former Minister of Administration and Digitization Michal Boni received a slap from the eurodeputy, the leader of New Right Janusz Korwin-Mikke.


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