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Case Initiated against Pivovarskii for “Illegal Enrichment”

Thursday, 11 February 2016 18:22

Upon the recommendation of one of people’s deputies the National Anti-Corruption Bureau has initiated a case against the Minister of Infrastructure Andrei Pivovarskii and officials of the Ministry of Infrastructure with the wording “on facts of illegal enrichment”, Ukrinform reports, citing its own sources.

“The criminal case has been initiated in respect to officials of the Ministry of Infrastructure based on the facts of illegal enrichment through acquisition by the officials, occupying high positions in the Ministry of Infrastructure of Ukraine, of assets as well as transfer of such assets to other persons”, - the source said.

On February 10 during the session of the Committee of the Verkhovna Rada on economic policy Pivovarskii said that the criminal case had been initiated against him.

On December 11 the Minister of Infrastructure Andrei Pivovarskii stated that he resigns his office.

On February 4 he claimed that he will revoke his statement under certain conditions, among which, in particular – “decent salary for state employees”.  


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