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Deputy General Prosecutor Resigns

Monday, 15 February 2016 17:43

Kasko has announced about abuse of power and lawlessness in the GPOU.

On Monday, on February 15, the Deputy General Prosecutor of Ukraine Vitalii Kasko informed about his intention to resign his post of the Deputy General Prosecutor, Correpondent.net reports.

The official justified his decision by the fact that “the current management has finally turned the General Prosecutor’s Office into the institutional body, where the corruption and collective responsibility reign as well as any efforts to change this state of affairs”.

According to Shokin’s deputy, not law and order reign in the general prosecutor’s office, but “abuse of power and lawlessness, each day the key positions of GPOU are occupied by followers and adherers of Pshonka”.

Previously Vitalii Kasko stated that western partners are disappointed with result of the reform of the General Prosecutor’s Office.  


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