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Poroshenko Proposes VR to Improve Procedure of Arrest and Special Forfeiture

Monday, 15 February 2016 17:44

The President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko proposes the Verkhovna Rada to improve the procedure of arrest of property and institute of special forfeiture.

The relevant draft law №4054 “On Introduction of Amendments to Criminal and Criminal Procedural Codes of Ukraine regarding implementation of recommendations, contained in the sixth report of the European Commission on the implementation by Ukraine of the Visa Liberalization Action Plan regarding the improvement of procedures of arrest of property and the institute of special forfeiture” was registered on February 12, 2016, RBC-Ukraine reports.

“The draft law has been prepared with the purpose of ensuring the appropriate implementation of EU recommendations, has major importance for speeding up visa liberalization and ensuring application of institutes of “special forfeiture” and “seizure” in strict compliance with European standards”, - the explanatory note says.

Thus, the document stipulates in article 961 of the Criminal Code to introduce the opportunity of application of special forfeiture while committing:

deliberate major offence or socially dangerous act, which meets the criteria of such offence;

crimes, sanctions for which stipulate such forfeiture.

Meanwhile, CPCU amendments have the purpose to ensure the possibility of imposition of arrest of property in criminal proceeding in case of:

necessity of protection of evidence;

application of special forfeiture;

application of forfeiture as the type of punishment (measures of criminal and legal punishment) of individuals (legal entities).

ensuring enforcement of civil lawsuit and collection of obtained improper advantage from the legal entity.

It should be reminded that Poroshenko has submitted to the Verkhovna Rada the package of three draft laws, aimed at fulfilment of criteria for introduction of visa-free regime with the European Union in the sphere of anti-corruption, identifying them as urgent.


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Чем бы она не являлась, тема требует изучения и законодательного регулирования - 20.8%
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