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NBU Rate

Government Fills Budget with “Revenues” from Inflation – People’s Deputy

Thursday, 25 February 2016 17:48

The authorities intentionally underrate the indices of state budget to save funds, Correspondent.net reports.

The government and the National Bank intentionally devaluate the hryvnia in order to fill the budget with the help of devaluation, said the people’s deputy from the Oppositional Block Nikolai Skoryk.

“Namely for this purpose they underrated the annual average rate in the budget up to UAH 24 per dollar”, - Skoryk emphasized. In addition, having underrated the forecast level of inflation up to 12% instead of expected 28%, the authorities expect to save on budgetary costs for the underprivileged. They will not just index minimum salaries and pensions in full”, - Skoryk emphasized.

The people’s deputy noted that the National Bank intentionally does not make any attempt to stabilize the UAH rate. “On the contrary, the Hontareva’s statements that NBU is not responsible for the FX rate and that the hryvnia cannot strengthen today – only worsen the sad state of national currency”, - the politician supposes.

According to the deputy, the difference between the NBU official rate, included into the budget, and the current rate makes up 13.5%. “Actually, this is the inflation rate for two months, as the prices will inevitably grow, following the rate. And this is the direct evidence that the 12% indexations, included into the budget, will not cover the growth of prices. And that’s why the draft amendments to the budget, introduced by the Oppositional Block, which envisage the raise of social standards by 42.5%, need to be approved as soon as possible”, the deputy summarized.

It should be noted that the Oppositional Block also requires to summon the extraordinary session of the Verkhovna Rada and submit the moratorium on raising utility rates in 2016.  


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Чем бы она не являлась, тема требует изучения и законодательного регулирования - 20.8%
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