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SFS Demands to Pay Taxes from Companies, Which Accounts Are Blocked by NBU

Thursday, 25 February 2016 17:50

The State Fiscal Service stated that companies, which fall under sanctions of the NSDC, should pay taxes for 2015. At the same time, the National Bank of Ukraine informed that the bank accounts of these companies are blocked, UNN reports.

In particular, NBU noted that the bank accounts of sanctioned companies are blocked in accordance with the resolution dd. 01/10/2015 №654 «On provision of realization and monitoring of efficiency of personal economic and other special economic and other restrictive measures (sanctions)».

Meanwhile, the National Bank explained that it cannot lift all restrictions and unblock the accounts of these companies for payment of taxes to the State Budget, as such function belongs to the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine.

“According to the Law of Ukraine On Sanctions, the decision on application, cancellation and amendment of sanctions is adopted by the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine”, NBU reports.

Meanwhile, NSDC stated that they do not have such authorities unilaterally either.

“According to the first part of Article 5 of the Law of Ukraine On Sanctions,  the proposals on application, cancellation and amendment of sanctions are submitted for consideration by the National Security and Defense of Ukraine, the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, the President of Ukraine, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, the National Bank of Ukraine, the Security Service of Ukraine”, NSDC stated.

Nevertheless, the State Fiscal Service as well as the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade noted that the sanctioned companies anyway should pay taxes for 2015, even if their accounts are blocked. However, neither department could explain how to do this, explaining that this question is referred to the competence of the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine.

UNN continues to expect the response from the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine regarding the explanation of mechanism of payment of taxes to the state budget, even if the bank accounts are blocked.

Meanwhile, the sanctioned companies cannot pay taxes, the amount of which exceeds UAH 60 mln, which is equal to about 43 ths of minimum wages. In addition, they cannot obtain from state bodies the reasons for imposed sanctions either. As there is no judgment, which would testify about illegal activities of the specified companies, the sanctioned companies insist that NSDC sanctions were imposed unreasonably.

As Danylo Hetmantsev, the Doctor of Judicial Sciences, the member of Scientific Advisory Board at the Supreme Administrative Court explained to UNN, the actions of the NSDC and all state bodies, impeding the payment of taxes to the State budget, can be qualified as the crime against Ukraine, as the actions of concrete officials caused damage to state in especially large amount.

“And this is the crime, the crime of those, who imposed these sanctions, the crime of those, who did not develop documents for realization of these sanctions, the crime of those, who included operators, who are not related to terrorism, into this list. This is the crime, which has concrete numerical value of damage, caused to state budget”, stated D. Hetmantsev. 

It should be reminded that in September NSDC imposed temporary sanctions on companies and individuals, who, according to NSDC, can negatively influence Ukraine or are related to Russian capital. Thus, the sanctions were imposed to 105 companies, having Russian or Crimean registration as well as two Ukrainian companies, which turned out to be the operators of state lotteries of Ukraine.

Meanwhile, experts and people’s deputies stated that NSDC sanctions are introduced to eliminate the lottery market of Ukraine.


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