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Former Deputy Head of GPOU Claims about Shokin’s Demands to Fulfill Kononenko’s Instructions

Friday, 26 February 2016 16:47

According to Kasko, Kononenko exerts influence on the General Prosecutor’s Office.

The former deputy General Prosecutor of Ukraine Vitalii Kasko stated that Victor Shokin required from his subordinates to fulfill instructions of the former first deputy head of the faction “Block of Petro Poroshenko” and people’s deputy Ihor Kononenko, Kasko said in the interview to Reuters, RBC-Ukraine reports.

Kasko noted that he left the post of the deputy head of GPOU due to corruption in the prosecutor’s office. He explained his decision with one example, when the general prosecutor Victor Shokin demanded to fulfill the Kononenko’s request and impact on one investigation.

“I received the stringent request from the general prosecutor regarding one case. I refused to fulfill it”, Kasko said, refusing to explain what case he refers to.

As Reuters reports, GPOU refused to comment on this Kasko’s statement.

It should be reminded that in mid-February Kasko filed for resignation from the post of the deputy general prosecutor. GPOU called the Kasko statement about his resignation a PR campaign.   

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