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Anti-corrupt Officials: General Prosecutor’s Office Ignores Us

Friday, 04 March 2016 18:06

The General Prosecutor’s Office of Ukraine delays the transfer of information to the National Anti-Corruption Bureau on several high-profile cases, Head of the NABU Artem Sytnyk said in the interview to ZN.ua.

“We have evoked about ten cases from the General Prosecutor’s Office, including the case on the deputy head of SSSU of Rivne Region, which was apprehended during paying a bribe, related to the case on illegal amber extraction”, he said.

“I have passed all these judgments, agreed them with the anti-corruption prosecutor under the procedure, but they are not fulfilled. As in case with Martynenko, who is dealt with by the General Prosecutor’s Office, having confiscated a lot of lacking information. We would like to obtain this information and conduct investigation, based on NABU”, Sytnyk said.

“As for ‘Avakov’s bags’, our analysts also deal with this case. So does the General Prosecutor’s Office. Currently we are preparing materials for evoking this case from the General Prosecutor’s Office. However, we really have no problems with other institutions,” – he said, adding that NABU has no such problems with other institutions.

Meanwhile, he provided an example that within the investigation on Kyoto protocol as per NABU request all materials were immediately transferred to police and fiscal service.

“As a result, NABU virtually completed investigation. Unfortunately, the General Prosecutor’s Office continues to ignore us”, - he said.

According to Sytnyk, GPO did not give any official reply to the institution and NABU is going to request help from the parliament.

“On all cases we wrote requests to the General Prosecutor’s Office. We did many times on each case. But yet we have not received any answer. We will wait for some time and will request help from the parliament”, - Sytnyk said.

He also confirmed that NABU also initiated a case against the PF deputy Ihor Kononenko and added to URPI as per the request of Abromavicius.

“And the certain comment will definitely be given on it”, he said. 


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