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US Ambassador Names the Most Corrupt Institution in Ukraine

Friday, 04 March 2016 18:11

According to Geoffrey Pyatt, this is the judicial system.

The US Ambassador in Ukraine Geoffrey Pyatt considers the judicial system of Ukraine to be the most corrupt institution, he said in the interview “Sehodnya”.

“I talked a lot about the fight with corruption and judicial reform. And the topic, to which I always return, is that this is not about some concrete institutions or persons. It is about the change of institutions and models of behavior, guarantees of government to be responsible to people, to release significant resources, grasped by corruption, who can invest into the economy of Ukraine”, Pyatt said.

According to him, if these resources are used for development and prosperity, the country will achieve significant success.

“Corruption kills. It kills the productivity and suppresses inspiration. The ideas are lost in its shadow. Innovations and entrepreneurship are hindered due to bribery, offstage agreements and intimidation. These old methods are not worth of contemporary Ukraine”, the ambassador added.

In Pyatt’s opinion, the best way of fighting with corruption for those, who steal from Ukrainian people, is that such cases are investigated, promulgated, and if the guilt is proved, the guilty should be condemned and undergo punishment.

“You proved that institutions and people can change – the Patrol Police demonstrates it. Now the challenge is to apply this courageous approach to other legal institutions, especially the General Prosecutor’s Office”, - he noted.

Previously US Ambassador Geoffrey Pyatt stated that the creation of the Ministry of Informational Policy is the largest mistake of authorities and proposed Ukraine to fight with the influence of the Russian propaganda on economic development and fight with the corruption.  


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