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Ukraine’s MFA to Engage Lawyers for Court Proceeding with Russia on “Yanukovych’s Debt”

Wednesday, 09 March 2016 17:54

The Cabinet of Ministers has decided to engage international experts.

The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine has authorized the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) to purchase legal services for efficient protection of interests of Ukraine in the High Court of London on the dispute between Ukraine and Russia on the debt, amounting to $3 billion. The relevant decision is fixed in the decree №141, Sehodnya reports.

Law Debenture Trust Corporation P. L. C will represent Russia in the court. In the meantime, the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine informed that it engages Quinn Emanuel Urquhart & Sullivan, the leading international law firm, specializing in court representation.

“In order to properly and efficiently protect rights and interests of Ukraine in the case on a claim of the company Law Debenture Trust Corporation PL C, serving the interests of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation, in Ukraine on the state debt of Ukraine to permit the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine to purchase legal services, applying the negotiation procedure of purchase in accordance with the Law of Ukraine ”On Public Procurement””, the document says.

Previously, the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine noted that they are ready to parry all accusations of the Russian party on debt disputes and meticulously prepare for the judicial proceeding. However, the Ministry of Finance will not display the details of this preparation and strategy of the protection of the Ministry of Finance.   


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