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Ministry of Social Policy implements mechanisms for employment of special needs people

Friday, 07 June 2013 17:40


Vocational rehabilitation of persons with disabilities allows to hire up to 70% disabled citizens

This was announced by the Minister of Social Policy Natalya Korolevska at a briefing in the Crimea, says the press-service agency.

N. Korolevska: “To allow people with special needs to find their best possible employment option and be competitive in the job market, it takes professional rehabilitation in places like Crimean "Interregional Centre for vocational rehabilitation of disabled persons". Every year over 230 special needs citizens go through rehabilitation here, which then results in over 70% re-employed”.

Natalya Korolevska noted that the Ministry of Social Policy is committed to developing the Centre. According to the minister, over 2009-2012 the institution had received 29.7 million UAH, including 8.3 million UAH of capital expenditures. "All-round support for those in need of help from the state is a top priority for the President and the Government. The President’s social initiatives for 2013 include a series of specific provisions aimed at strengthening social protection of the disabled", she said.

Natalya Korolevska also stated that, in order to provide stable employment for people with disabilities working at UTOH and UTOS, the Ministry prepared and forwarded to the Government the draft resolution to support such enterprises. "The draft provides for measures that will significantly strengthen UTOH and UTOS both on the central governmental and local level. This includes orders from local authorities and central authorities for products by UTOH and UTOS, and other measures ", - said the Minister on the proposal’s contents.

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