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NBU Officially Found Guilty in Collapse of Ukrainian Bank

Wednesday, 11 May 2016 16:28

The National Bank was officially acknowledged guilty in the collapse of Ukrgasprombank. On April 26 the Kyiv Appellate Administrative Court passed the relevant judgement on case №826/26255/15, which turned out to be at disposal of UBR.ua, UBR reports.

According to it, the NBU actions are called “illegally inactive”.

Thus, the decision of the previous court instance was confirmed – the Kyiv District Administrative Court, Kyiv, dated March 14, 2016.

“Since the moment of coming into force of this definition, namely since April 26, 2016, the depositors and clients of Ukrgasprombank, whose bank deposits exceed UAH 200 000 (paid by the Individuals Deposit Insurance Fund)” as well as those, whose claims are in fourth priority and further, got an opportunity to collect their funds directly from NBU, which inactivity led to the loss by the clients of funds of this financial institution”, - Rostislav Kravets, the Senior Partner at law firm “Kravets and Partners” explained the practical application of the judgment to UBR.ua

He also emphasized that the same decision (on illegal inactivity of the NBU) was previously taken in regard to Brockbusinessbank.

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