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Japan interested in investing into environmental infrastructure projects in Ukraine

Tuesday, 11 June 2013 15:38


Japanese business interested in Ukraine

While on the official visit to Japan the Minister of Environment and Natural Resources of Ukraine Oleh Proskuryakov met a deputy of Japanese House of Councillors, the leader of New Komeito party (member of the ruling coalition), says the agency’s press-service.

During the meeting Minister Oleh Proskuryakov praised outstanding support by the Parliament of Japan and the ruling coalition in establishing cooperation between Japan and Ukraine in the area of overcoming consequences of accidents on Fukushima-1 and Chornobyl nuclear power stations, and renewal of contaminated adjacent territories.

In turn, the Japanese counterpart noted that Japanese business today become quite interested in investing into envirnmental infrastructure projects in Ukraine, while the ruling coalition is ready to promote the flow of Japanese investment into Ukraine.

Minister Oleh Proskuryakov stressed that the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources of Ukraine is prepared to act as a mediator between Japanese and Ukrainian businesses to establish partnerships.

«Trust and reliability are the core principles of the Japanese business, and we do are determined to develop our cooperation with Ukraine on these principles», Oleh Proskuryakov said.

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