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National Bank Not Guilty of Nadra Bankruptcy – Court

Thursday, 25 August 2016 17:25

The National Bank of Ukraine is not guilty of the bankruptcy of Nadra bank, according to the decision of the Kyiv District Administrative Court dated August 12.

The claimant in this proceeding is the depositor of the bank, who placed his deposits in banking metals, totaling 1.2 kg of gold. After Nadra bankruptcy, the depositor did not receive any refund of the deposit and filed suit against the National Bank.

He referred to the fact that concluding the deposit agreement he assumed that the National Bank supervises bank activities, and if the bank violates legislation, the state will undertake appropriate response measures.

The National Bank indicated that during 2012-2015 54 enforcement measures were applied as per results of the found violations of banking and currency legislation in Nadra bank.

As the result of the proceeding, the court did not find any unlawful inactivity of the National Bank in regard to the supervision over Nadra bank.

In August 2014, the bank was declared insolvent due to insufficient capital increase.

In June 2015, NBU revoked the banking license and liquidated Nadra PJSCCB. Almost 90% of the financial institution belongs to “Centrogas Holding GMBH”, associated with businessperson Dmitrii Firtash.

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