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Around 1 Thousand Russian Manufactures to Enter Chinese Market until 2020

Thursday, 22 September 2016 16:11

The official representative of Sirius Holding Liu Weizun stated that currently the high demand in Russian food products is observed on the Chinese market – TASS reports.

The products of about one thousand Russian manufacturers will be offered on the Chinese market under the auspices of Chinese electronic trade platform Epingduo until 2020, TASS reported in Sirius Holding, which is the project co-founder jointly with the China Overseas Development Association Russian Center (CODARC).

“Currently the high demand in Russian food products is observed on the Chinese market. At the first stage we plan to open five retail shops with only Russian products”, the official representative Liu Weizun told. 

He explained that the products of Russian manufacturers are sold through Epingduo platform as well as retail shops. “Within the nearest three years it is planned to open 300 shops throughout China, including Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen. We hope that by that time the products of one thousand Russian manufactures will be offered through Epingduo platform and our shops”, the interlocutor noted.

Currently the joint shops of Sirius Holding and CODARC are opened in Heihe and Harbin (Heilongjiang province, Northeast of PR China). They are selling confectionery, alcohol, flour, butter and ice cream. It is expected that in 2019 the annual sales volume of Russian products in these shops will make up 30 billion yuans ($4.45 bln).  


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