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More Than 70 Former High-Ranking US Diplomats against Trump

Thursday, 22 September 2016 16:13

The group of former high-ranking diplomats of the USA opposed Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump. Their joint letter was submitted to The Washington Post – Gazeta.RU report.

Thus, in their address 75 diplomats, among which are the ambassadors and senior officials of the U.S. Department of State, call Trump “the totally unsuitable candidate for the post of President and Commander-in-Chief”. According to diplomats, neither of them will vote for the Republican candidate. They all intend to support his rival from the Democratic Party Hilary Clinton; however, they note that they do not agree on everything with her either.

“The stakes on these elections are so high that for the first time many of us publicly support the presidential candidate”, according to the letter.

In diplomats’ opinion, Trump “is not aware of the complex nature of problems our country is facing, among which are Russia, China, “Islamic State”, distribution of nuclear weapon, refugees, drugs, and demonstrated no interest in becoming aware”.

In addition, they are shocked by the fact that Trump speaks well of Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Previously about 90 retired generals and admirals wrote open letter in support of Donald Trump.

The “Islamic State” is the military terrorist group, prohibited in many countries, including Russia.  


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