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Law on Private Collectors Comes into Force

Wednesday, 05 October 2016 16:15

The private collectors will have the same rights as state enforcement officers.

On Tuesday, October 4, the Law on Private Collectors, which was approved by the Rada in early summer, came into force. According to the law, the private collectors will obtain the same rights as state enforcement officers, except for repayment of any debts, associated with state property, Vesti reports.

In addition, the private collectors are not permitted to evict citizens from their houses or apartments. “However, such officers will be able to seize and sell property at public auctions”, Senior Partner of Kravets and Partners Law Firm Rostislav Kravets explained to Vesti.

This means that the dwelling can anyway be taken from the citizens for their debts – for example, on utility services or bank loans (not to speak of mortgage).

Private enforcement officers: purposes of the Ministry of Justice 

“However, nobody knows how the private officers will work – on October 6, the Ministry of Justice will tell about new rules. They will start working not earlier than in a half a year”, Attorney of Ilyashev and Partners Law Firm Maria Sergeeva said. The Ministry of Justice already addressed with special explanation, according to which it is allowed to seize apartments (“firstly, the funds are seized on the accounts, in case of their absence – other property, and in extreme cases – disposal of residence”).

However, the Ministry of Justice clarified that it is prohibited to dispose the only residence and the one, in which children are registered. “Admittedly, the law will untie hands to the raiders of every stripe and color: ATO combatants will become the private officers, and the court decisions and execution writs will be the fast-moving item: while the owners of plants and other businesses will be proving their rights in the appellate courts, their properties will be cut for metal or sold”.


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