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From 1 July Kyivans get access to town planning documentation

Tuesday, 02 July 2013 12:26


Geoportal is in public access

From 20:00 1 July 2013 public access information geoportal is open at http://mkk.kga.gov.ua, offering the Kyivans unlimited access to urban planning documentation that will allow to generate necessary requests for information, to register own virtual office etc., says the press service of Kyiv City State Administration.

Deputy Director of the Kyiv's Department of Urban Development and Architecture Andrii Vavrysh told that urban cadaster is a core of the city information system that stores all geographic data, such as facilities, areas, functionality, ownership, etc.

Officials thoroughly analyzed the experience of maintaining cadasters in other countries, as well as in Ukraine. First of all, attention was paid to mistakes when creating a land cadastre.

Moreover, after theoretical scientific exploration, practical testing was conducted in Kyiv on the implementation and use of elaborated methodological principles. As a result of such testing, for example, respective State Construction Norms, targeted programs, regulations etc. were prepared and submitted for approval by the Ministry of Regional Development. This work was carried out in strict compliance with the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers № 559 of 25.05.2011 «On city planning cadastre».

«In general, with regard to compliance of the development of urban cadastre to requirements and standards, it should be noted that all work is carried out in accordance with ISO19100 and recommendations of the EU Directive INSPIRE. This means that the national information system will be based on world's best practices and advanced grounds. In this context, it is essential to understand that town-planning cadastre is an information system that exists as an environment for distributed geospatial data bases «, said Andrii Vavrysh and added that it is necessary to understand the current state of IT in architecture and urban planning bodies in some regions. Urban planning normally is used in the work only in paper format, and the materials converted into electronic form, have in most cases a raster form and cannot be simply integrated. That's why consolidation of these sources has to go through converting them into a new coordinate system USK 2000 for the appropriate geospatial linking, getting away from paper and digital raster data, etc.

«It should be noted that it is also vital to create databases in the environment of software products that enable arbitrary conversion and use of these databases by other software. This principled position allows to avoid users’ «software dependency» on these databases. Briefly it means that «format for storing databases should not depend on the software in which these databases are created and administered,» said Deputy Director of the Department of Capital Urban Development and Architecture.

«Our partners offered their software product free of charge so that we could evaluate its quality in practice, weigh all the pros and cons. such testing is currently conducted by the Department of City Planning and Architecture. And there are already practical results», said Andrii Vavrysh.

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