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Elaborated Law on Liberalization of Cash Registers to Reduce Business Expenses Minimum Twice

Thursday, 20 October 2016 17:36

During the discussion, the experts and the public positively assessed the innovation idea, pointing at the prospects of elaboration of the document. It should be noted that 4117 became one of the several draft laws, which obtained a wide support from most business associations, experts, deputies as well as the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Economic Development, NBU and SFS, UBR reports.

The draft law stipulates the introduction of a new type of PTR (payment transactions recorders) – the digital type. The essential difference from the existing system is that not only cash registers, but also laptops, tablets, computers and even smartphones will be able to be connected to the new system.

According to RPR team, the constructive elaboration of the draft law will significantly change the document, and its appearance will liberalize the PTR market and create conditions for unshadowing of the country’s economy.

“Such digital PTR will allow to significantly minimize expenses for supporting the workplace, where the PTR use will necessarily cancel the procurement of special equipment, its registration and reregistration in the fiscal authorities”, - Chief Expert of RPR Group “Tax reform” Ilya Neskhodosky emphasized. According to him, current expenses will also be significantly reduced – purchase of cash register tape and payment maintenance service.

“The administrative functions of the state fiscal service should be removed and the process of cash transactions should be simplified to the maximum for entrepreneurs. The fiscalization should be carried out at the level of SFS software, which the entrepreneur will easily download”, - People’s Deputy and Coauthor of the draft law Andrey Zhurhii noted.

For more detailed elaborated norm base, it will be required to fix legislatively the whole range of technical nuances – realization of cloud-based PTRs, safe data transfer systems, possibility of using blockchain technologies etc.

“The digital PTR is the voluntary opportunity for the entrepreneur to issue and the customer to receive the receipt, printed, for example, from the tablet, saving the possibility to work with the classic cash register”, People’s Deputy of Ukraine Oleg Kryshin emphasized.

The first expert discussion showed that the draft law will be optimally elaborated for the second reading, and the coauthors of the document continue discussion about the improvement of quality of the document.

Previously, on October 4, in the first reading the Verkhovna Rada approved the law on elaboration of the system of cash registers of new generation. 267 people’s deputies voted for the relevant draft law №4117.  


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