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SAP Completes Investigation of “Kyoto Funds” Case

Monday, 03 April 2017 17:37

Chief of the Specialized Anticorruption Prosecutor’s Office Nazar Kholodnytskyi informs, Finance.UA reports.

SAP notes that the materials of the criminal proceeding on the attempted embezzlement of the funds, obtained by Ukraine under the Kyoto Protocol to UN Framework Convention on Climate Change, are currently open to the defendant party.

“The group, which was composed of the employees of Ukrekoresurs SE, through the winning of fictitious companies in tender procedures “Capital repair through technical replacement of filament bulbs with LED technologies for reduction of greenhouse effect emissions and improvement of social and economic conditions” attempted to embezzle the state funds, amounting to more than UAH 336 mln, according to the message.

As per the results of the pretrial investigation, ten persons were charged with the criminal offence. SAP also reports that the chairperson of Ukrekoresurs was served with charges on committing crimes, stipulated in part 2 of art. 15 of part 5 of art. 191 (Misappropriation, embezzlement or conversion or property by malversation), part.2 of art 382 (Failure to comply with a judgment), part 2 of art. 366 (Forgery in office) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine.

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