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NABU Conducts Searches in PrivatBank’s Head Office

Thursday, 06 July 2017 17:21

The National Anticorruption Bureau conducts searches in the Head Office of PrivatBank in Dnepr, NABU’s press office reports, EP reports.

“In response to mass media inquiries, we inform that under the procedural supervision of SAPO’s prosecutors, NABU detectives conduct investigatory actions in the Head Office of PrivatBank PJSCCB (Dnepr)”, according to the message.

NABU specified that these actions are conducted as part of the investigation of criminal proceeding upon the facts of possible office abuse by NBU officials, as well as the embezzlement of PrivatBank’s funds in especially large amount, committed by the management and the owners of major shareholding of the said banking institution (part 2 of art.364, part 5 of art.191 of CC of Ukraine), as the result of which the state incurred losses, totaling UAH 116.8 bln.

As reported, according to Chairman of PrivatBank Alexander Shlapak, GPOU initiated several criminal proceedings against former bank executives and owners under the articles 218 and 220 of the Criminal Code, namely making the bank insolvent.

In addition, General Prosecutor Yurii Lutsenko reported that GPOU, NABU and SAPO investigate several cases, connected with PrivatBank.

On December 1, 2016, PrivatBank became state-owned.

During June 2017, the former owner of the bank Igor Kolomoysky filed several lawsuits against the Cabinet of Ministers, NBU and PrivatBank.

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